Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Outside of work....

I love to travel! Along with that passion is a love of food and wine. I lived in Italy for a semester in college and took cooking classes while I was there. I also happened to drink my far share of wine as well, which created a new found love and hobby for learning about wine and wine tasting.

My family owns a cabin on a lake in the mountains of Utah; I spend my summer’s wake boarding, hiking and helping my mom in the kitchen. The cabin is a great escape because there is no cell service, no tv’s and no internet – just an old record player and a wide collection of 45’s. In my opinion, there is nothing that compares to a good book, a boat and a nice even tan. During the winter I spent my time skiing at Alta and playing in the snow with my friends.

Now that I live in California I love to plan outings with my friends, have dinner parties and explore the city of San Francisco. I frequent Napa and the SF Cheese School and swindle my friends into eating my experimental cooking every so often. I also love to get out of the city and go hiking, skiing or visit the Tourist Club for some good beer and games.

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